scampering up mountainside
rocks, rocks, rocks to the nth power
white cross trail
undoubtedly named in honor of
those who fell, slid or passed out
tumbled down the slope screaming
down the side into a crevice
battered and broken; frozen in time
hiking boots making step by step
starting in thick forest thick roots
granite and ice stairways to the sky
steep and forewarning likely doom
pause to eat some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
drink plenty of water
lay back and enjoy nature being natural
the journey continues
above the tree line large boulders
doing it with no supplemental oxygen
check the weather; push on?
your call mate
push on to the summit before turnaround time
reach the peak, plant a flag
take a few pictures for posterity
whipping winds sky begins to snow
Boston skyline somewhat visible
through Jaffrey patchy fog
gotta be careful here
more people die on the descent
then making the ascent
Monadnock today, Mt. Washington tomorrow
Everest next week