a la Greta Garbo
I want to be alone
I want to be left alone
just stay away ok?
lone wolf but not some kind of psycho
a drop in the ocean, but not like any of the other drops
I work hard to maintain a unique mystique
love to write and I have a right
to spend time alone in the woods or on just inside
companionship is a ship that always sinks in the end
if you can count on yourself
you don’t need to count on anybody
Thoreau had it right when he said (paraphrasing)
that he found it wholesome to be alone most of his time
even the best company wears you out
and that he loved to be alone
I say that in a little cabin with a desk and a fireplace and a bed
what else do you need?
if you still want to get to know me
get to know my poetry
it’ll tell you more about me than I ever could