west coast hockey games over
too early for attempted sleep on aloof mattress
cricket from new zealand or abu dhabi or bombay (mumbai)
mumbai looks exotic
new zealand looks tropical
abu dhabi looks metropolitan
don’t know what’s going on for a while
in the barren dark as usual
crease, power play, hat-trick sounds like hockey;
but game looks like baseball
eventually I sorta get it
6 for a home run; 4 for off the wall (boundary)
guys running carrying bats
fans with celtics, lakers, rockets, pirates jerseys
sit on the grass or the terrace
some soft serve and a cold one on hand
looks like this might be pretty good
looks like it’d be fun to play
if I wasn’t so decrepit
laid back entertainment
better than regular (test) cricket
three of four or five days looooong
eons of nothing
all taken dead seriously; player breaks for lunch and tea (how english)
that’s a sticky wicket