sunday… movieplex nearly empty
waiting for the direction to say ACTION!
but somebody keeps yelling cut!
what’ll it be -- animated or r rated real reel really unreal
or superman vs. batman vs. spiderman vs. wonder woman
vs captain america vs whoever or whatever else they can think of
or can’t think of/// no originality
…or one man saves the world///there’s no saving this world jack
where’s zhivago, third man, kwai, grand hotel anyone?
omar, barrymore, garbo, monroe, welles, guinness
lancaster, wayne, gable
when stars were stars, when movies were movies
nobody’s made a great movie since 1965
well,..maybe one or two
almost all of them are rated ‘C’ for crap
18 screens///could have been one for each person there
two other people total in 6:25 showing I was in
I think they were looking for a bar and stumbled in by mistake
they sent the extras home
pick a seat - any seat
almost no one in garish neon splashed lobby
wearing too much makeup and perfume, red stilettos
that cries out for company and an arm to lean on
large buttery popcorn been sitting too long
good and plenties, milk duds, snickers
everybody in the film says fuck repeatedly
as if that increases their street cred, their hipness
their degree of coolness
the closing credits can’t come soon enough
walk out to a practically empty car park cold night