sitting in the open cluttered garage watching the rain
splatter on the oil stained driveway that’s cracking like an old masters painting
having a cold one
sometimes life can be so simple, beautiful even
looking through old pictures taken from a size 8 shoebox
that had women’s high heels in it belonging to some ex or ex ex or XXX
it was next to the half empty bottle of brake fluid
and a snowbrush not used since 1984
these photos had images of people who are still alive but no longer exist
some now ghosts roaming the alleys
tis true, tis true, sooner or later, everyone WILL disappoint you
I prayed to my coffee that I would somehow get through this day
somedays you just want to walk into the forest and disappear
morning didn’t promise better, it didn’t even bother
the future was promising but not for what I wanted
I didn’t have time to pay attention to all the time that was slipping away
it can make for an unhealthy afternoon thinking about what shoulda coulda woulda
life so often is into the wind stinging your face
trees full of birds that leave en masse and moments later return
///very strange
I was going to stop drinking so much, but tonight’s not the night
I needed some more
my spirit animal was thirsty
there’s a thousand reasons I shouldn’t drink, but I can’t think of one of them now
I’m not trying too hard to remember either