I like to watch the same shows again and again
man on a boat condemned to a u-boat attack
a howling thing on a thunderstormy night
a guy who machines hate, people are IDIOTS!
soldiers passing on a dusty road to somewhere unknown
7 passengers picked up--7 passengers delivered
a I like to watch movies again and again
the good doctor who is a poet and a philanderer
a sailor out of his head half the time
the hack writer who drinks too much and is a hopeless romantic
a real movie about a fateful night aboard an ill-fated ship April of ‘12
the film about the tsar and his family and revolution
I like to eat the same food again and again
turkey and mashed potatoes, gravy and corn when I can afford it
thin crust sausage pizza in a pizza restaurant
you can never go wrong with pizza and coca-cola
roast beef sandwiches drenched with arby sauce
filet-o-fish and fries chocolate milk shake at the golden arches
I like a world where I know what’s gonna happen again and again
don’t like the randomness of randomness
things that are out of my control
don’t hold with newfangled things
prefer old favorites like a pair of hiking boots once used to climb Mt. Monadnock
a hoodie that’s been where I’ve been the last twenty years