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April 3, 2019


A curse is placed upon someone or something by some person or some thing…
a wish that some form of misfortune will befall an intended party
bringing most unfortunate consequences upon them…
this curse usually invokes the help of some kind of spiritual force or supernatural power
also referred to as spells or hexes
this dates to long ago when Egyptian curses were placed upon those unfortunates
that entered tombs of pharaohs
and had the audacity to take the treasures within those sacred grounds…
they were cursed to die a thousand deaths and the deaths were not peaceful ones …there are occasional instances when genuine curses appeared written inside
or on the façade of a tomb warning others not to open them…
something like-- "Death shall come on swift wings to him
who disturbs the peace of the King.”...and indeed it did to some members...
they foolishly went on to defile the sacred tombs—...early deaths, strange deaths
odd circumstances that led to death...death is death is death
leave death to the professionals
some have said it was merely coincidence or random misfortune
but many believe the powers of these curses are still strong after all these years…
there are those who are convinced that the ancients
could concentrate upon a mummy ...certain dynamic powers
which could last thousands of years…
those powers of which we possess very incomplete notions…
these powers were almighty and could if so desired
put a curse on those who disturbed the holy resting place of a pharaoh or a spiritual leader…
it is said even today the spirits live in the hills of Egypt
although some curses have weakened over the course of time
…others remain quite potent…so says Dr. Muller in the 1932 epic movie ‘The Mummy’
and he is undoubtedly right…
there is still the belief among the locals
that certain words recited over and over
with powerful energy and when read off of a sacred document or scroll
can bring a mummy back to life or invoke a powerful spell…
even though the movie is fiction, there is still a great deal of fact within know that fact isn’t entirely fact and fiction ain’t entirely fiction
I don’t care who you are...just like hand sanitizer...kills 99.9% of germs…
there’s always that .1% that can do you in and they throw that in just in case…
you know, legal stuff...there’s always fact in fiction and fiction in fact—

you yin in yang and yang in yin…