What’s an education? Is
it sitting in some outdated classroom reading books from 200, 300, or more
years ago? Memorizing information which was useless then and is more useless if
possible now? It’s information that is forgotten as soon as the student walks
out the door into the real world. We need knowledge for the real world. That’s
what we don’t have enough of now. We get so bogged down with the pointless that
there is no or little time to teach how to survive. Life is all about survival.
‘Education’ is a revolving door in a building with no soul, no compassion, just
teaching to tests and measuring numbers and measuring numbers some more so we
can tell ourselves how good we are doing, or wring our hands over less than
desired results? When is someone going to wake up from this stupor and realize
the information that is really needed in this puzzle called life?