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August 19, 2014

Never The Same Again

It is common to say about someone, especially after an unfortunate occurrence, that ‘they were never the same again.” However, this can be said about anyone at any time. As time passes, years, months, seconds, we are not the same. Sometimes it can be miniscule changes that we do not even notice, or sometimes they are more dramatic. Sometimes they are dramatic, but we don’t even realize it. Sometimes we change and when we look back at how we were before, we cringe or shake our heads at what we see in the rear view mirror. Did we really do that? Did we really think that? What were we thinking? We would like to go back maybe and find a way to change things or at least erase them from our history. But there is no going back, no system restores that can wipe out things. Hopefully we learn; we learn not to be so impulsive, or to follow the crowd; we have learned where our balance is and we seek not to lose it again.