Where there is yin, there is yang. Where there is yang, there is yin. Such is harmonic balance of nature. Without one, there could not be the other. The universe maintains itself through this truth.
If we define something as easy, something else must be difficult. Hot begets cold. Beauty begets ugliness. Order begets chaos. It is existence of each, that creates the other.
There will be rain and there will be sun. There will be daylight and darkness. Superstition and science. For every good day we have, there will be a bad one. However, by wisdom we can seek goodness out of a bad day. We can learn and grow. When mountain snows melt, green grass grows in its place.
In order to live in tranquility, we must learn to embrace adversity. No one can hope to avoid all unpleasantness. We are faced with that truth. Truth is what emerges from shadows. Truth neither gives nor takes away. What we do with truth is what defines us.
For every truth then, there is also delusion. Sometimes intentional, sometimes accidental. Delusion comes through ignorance. A man may not see because he prefers not to look. He may not listen because he pretends not to hear. Truth is not a pretty package waiting to be opened. It may be unpleasant and bitter to taste.
Yet it is the sage who experiences the truth. By doing so, she lives in harmony. One must learn to accept ebb and flow of things. Low tide this morning, high tide tonight. If one sits on water’s edge in the morning and does not expect to get wet at night, he is deluded. He may drown if not careful.
One must also be aware that sometimes one wears the cloak of the other. What may seem like fortune may be lined with misfortune. Where misfortune exists, good fortune may emerge from the darkness.
This knowledge keeps sage in balance with the universe. She does not become too high or too low for everything will balance out. Such is nature. The sage knows this and acts accordingly. Just as spring overcomes winter, autumn overcomes summer.
By understanding yin and yang of nature, one can avoid much distress and suffering. One can live with truth and not fear it. One can embrace warmth of a summer sun and snowflakes of winter day. One can endure.