The sun slips gently beneath the sea; no fear, no struggle
The frightened man sees a dragon in every cave
Be the darkness or be the light; the choice is up to you
Poems, Short Stories, & The Paranormal
in the morning
in an airplane
on a 757
rain tapping
cold snapping
drowsy and dreary
I wanna go home
peace and quiet
only broken
by whistling bird
long winter naps
chilly afternoons
blanket pulled up
no thoughts
just sleep
answered the phone
cars buzzing by
answered a question
where are they going
I wondered
typed on keyboard
looked at fountain
in circular pond
answered the phone
water splashing at peace
gave a robotic answer
water mesmerizing
gazed at sunset
golden sky alight
answered the phone
angry customer
I don’t care, mine works
transfer the call
not my problem
darkness settled in
answered the phone
little red lights
down the interstate
hung up phone
with the red lights